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Traditional Crafting in Japan
Apr 5,2019 Comments 0

Edo Kiriko

Traditional Crafting in Japan

One of Japan’s many traditional crafts is "Edo Kiriko". Edo Kiriko is a decorating technique in which small cuts are made on the surface of glass. The technique originated in 1834 by using carved sand to create the engravings on the glass. Mainly found in the Koto Ward, Tokyo and Sumida Ward, Edo Kiriko can only be made by those who are certified by the Edo Kiriko cooperative.

Sumida Edo Kiriko-kan has a workshop, where you can learn to make these beautiful glasses. Before you make your first cut, you will learn about the history of Edo Kiriko. You will then draft the design you would like to add. The next step may be the hardest as using the rotating cutter is not as easy as it seems. Although the amount of force is rather difficult to perfect, it will be exciting once the part of the color glass is scraped off and emerges white.

Edo Kiriko

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